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February 2025 ETS Newsletter now available

The latest issue of the ETS Newsletter contains important information for participants

Update bookmarks to www.emissionsregister.govt.nz

www.eur.govt.nz is being decommissioned, so update your bookmark to www.emissionsregister.govt.nz

ETS participant data released for 2022–2023

The EPA has published participant level data on emissions and removals

External links


To access the Register, you need to log in with your a RealMe account.
NOTE: If you have received a "migration code", please also log in here.

What’s RealMe?

Register as a new user

If you are a new user to the New Zealand Emissions Trading Register, you need to first log in with RealMe then complete a new user registration.

More information about registration


Guidance about the Register

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